
Fired from Berlin’s Jewish Museum for calling Israel “apartheid”


06 December, 2023

Udi Raz is an Israeli activist who worked as a freelance tour guide at the Jewish Museum in Berlin. They were dismissed after they mentioned Israel’s “apartheid” on Palestinians on their tours, referring to what several international NGOs have documented, notably Amnesty International.

According to Raz, it is this specific word that made the Jewish Museum want to terminate their contract, a few weeks after the October 7 attack in Israel.

A spokesperson for the Jewish Museum told °®Âţµş that Raz was let go because they “overwhelmed groups with a personal political stance”, which went against the museum’s “educational standards”.

But Raz, who was financially dependent on this job and still hopes to work there again someday, said that it was “questionable” of the museum to suggest that stating “certain facts” backed by international law would be considered a “stance”.

Produced by Alexander Durie