
For Palestinian journalists, Nobel Prizes won't bring Gaza peace
No Nobel Prize can make up for the trauma suffered by Palestinian journalists. To honour their sacrifice, a ceasefire is needed now, says Farrah Kouttinieh.
Western officials have Palestinian blood on their hands. We need investigations now!
The UK's partial suspension of arms to Israel is too little too late. As Tony Blair returns, Alex Foley highlights the West's record of enabling war crimes.
To avoid sectarian chaos, Iraq must not lower child marriage age
If the amendment to the Personal Status Code is passed, lowering the legal age for marriage to nine, Iraq will be thrust into the dark ages, says Zahra Ali.
The healthcare industry is complicit in funding Israel. Abu Sittah proves doctors who organise can pose a real threat, write Rhiannon Mihranian & Sara el-Solh.
Rising solidarity with Gaza disrupted the Scottish government's relations with Israel. But politicians will likely try to reverse it, writes David Jamieson.
We investigated Israel's claims about October 7. They were lying
Misbar's investigations team has exposed major discrepancies in the Israeli army's claim that Hamas falsified polls after October 7, writes Wesam Abo Marq.
JNF UK's 'charity status' makes a mockery of UK charity sector — it must end
The Jewish National Fund's charity status allows it to use UK taxpayer money to fund green colonialism, illegal settlements, and militias, writes Tayab Ali.
The Taliban haven't changed — open borders for Afghan women now!
The Taliban's systematic erasure of Afghan women is a crime against humanity: the world must take decisive action before it’s too late, writes Sara Wahedi.
Israel is committing genocide and Western media is helping hide the bodies
Since the start of Israel's onslaught on Gaza, Western media has continuously been complicit in the erasure of Palestinian suffering, says Fatima el Issawi.
Footballer Anwar El Ghazi took Mainz 05 to court for his dismissal over Palestine solidarity, & won. Sanaa Qureshi explains we must learn from his perseverance.