

Like in Gaza, killing Lebanon's civilians is Israel's only goal

As Israel escalates its year-long assault on Lebanon, it's clear that it's mirroring the Gaza playbook and pursuing expansionism, says Farah-Silvana Kanaan.

The Israeli occupation continues to commit crimes against Palestinian prisoners across all prisons and military camps, a reality that must not be overlooked, writes Jenna Abuhasna.

Since Oct 7 Israel has arrested thousands of Palestinians who face torture & violence, yet the occupation continues with impunity, writes Jenna Abuhasna.

The UNSC has failed Gaza. It's time to reform this colonial relic

Israel's vicious assault on Gaza has exposed the UNSC as a colonial relic that neither prevents conflict nor facilitates aid delivery, writes Amitabh Behar.

Woman wearing a white top and pale blue blazer pointing towards camera

American Arab voters face a tough choice in the upcoming US presidential elections, with many raging at Biden's support for Israel but fearful of a Trump win.

Democrats choose public relations over policy on Gaza genocide

Kamala Harris and the Democrats have purposefully ignored and neglected the genocide in Gaza. However, voters are unlikely to forget, says Irfan Kovankaya.

The rise of the UK far-right: Impending pogroms or passing wave?

Years of state-sponsored Islamophobia have stirred the UK's racist underbelly, which reminds Tariq Mehmood of the 70s and the dangerous era of Paki bashing.

I'm from Masafer Yatta, the forgotten front of Israel's genocide

In Masafer Yatta, the Nakba is ongoing. With eyes on Gaza, settlers have intensified attacks, forcing villagers like Mohammad Huraini to defend their land.

No security for Israel without peace

Israel's obstinance has awoken atrocious forces in Zionist politics, unwilling to accept anything but the erasure of Palestine, writes Nikolaos van Dam.

Why are my Western friends still silent on Gaza?

Gaza has become a taboo subject in the West, with supporters of Palestine either ghosted or forced to lose friends over their stance, writes Layla Maghribi.

Khalida Jarrar

Abolitionist Khalida Jarrar has spent her life fighting Israel’s occupation & being punished, Nada Elia explains why her struggle represents global liberation.


After her colleague in Gaza narrowly escaped death during an Israeli military attack Hannah Bond calls on the UK to ban all arms export licenses to the Israel.


Amid Gaza's polio outbreak, Afroze Zaidi explains the history of colonisers spreading diseases directly or by creating the perfect environment for an epidemic.

As a Gaza genocide survivor, I fear another Nakba in West Bank

Israel's current assault on the West Bank is a reflex of an occupier losing its grip, lashing out with violence and expulsion, writes Mohammed R. Mhawish.