Terms of Use

These Terms of Use shall govern your use of the www.newarab.com website, any applications for mobile devices you download, or other online service you access, including any updates, new versions or new releases thereof (any and all of the foregoing are referred to collectively and individually as the “Service”). The Service is provided by  (a part of Fadaat Media Ltd). You acknowledge and agree that by accessing, using and/or downloading the service, you agree to be legally bound by and hereby consent to these terms of use. If you do not agree to these terms of use, then you may not use, access or download the service.

  1. By accessing the Service, you represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years old or, if younger than 18, are at least 13 or older and have a parent’s or guardian’s permission to access or use the Service.
  2. We reserve the right to change the Terms of Use and/or to modify, discontinue, disable or terminate the Service (or any part or feature thereof) at any time, without prior notice. If we make changes to the Terms of Use we will post an updated version on the Service or provide you with notice of the change. Your continued use of the Service following the posting of such updated version constitutes your acceptance of any changes to the Terms of Use. Please check the Terms of Use area on the Service from time to time to keep apprised of any such updates.
  3. You acknowledge that we may automatically update or upgrade the version of the Service you may be using on your mobile device. You consent to such automatic updating or upgrading on your mobile device, and agree that the Terms of Use will apply to all such updates or upgrades.
  4. The text, photographs, video, graphics, metadata, quotes, data, information, the overall “look and feel”, and all protectable intellectual property available through the Service (“Content”) is the property of  and its licensors. It is provided by  and its licensors to you for your personal use and information only. You may not use the Content or Service for any commercial purpose. You may not remove, alter, forward, scrape, copy, sell, distribute, retransmit, create derivative works or otherwise make available the Content to third parties without our prior written consent, except as occasionally permitted by any sharing functionality in the Service that expressly allows you to share Content or links to Content with a few other individuals. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discern the source code or architecture of any feature or component of the Service.
  5. You acknowledge and agree that all intellectual property rights in the Service and the Content (in whole and in part), including, but not limited to, all copyright and trademarks, are and shall remain the property of , its affiliates, and/or our licensors, and you shall not acquire any rights in them. Except for the limited license expressly set forth herein, you are not conferred any right, by implication, estoppel or otherwise, under copyright or other intellectual property rights, either now or in the future. We have arrangements with third party providers of printing services to enable you to purchase re-prints of certain Content (accessible through “Reprint” links on the Service).
  6. You acknowledge and agree that you are subject to any additional terms and conditions (including, without limitation, any user guidelines or rules) posted on the Service in connection with any features, component or Content made available through the Service. Any such additional terms and conditions so posted are hereby incorporated by reference into these Terms of Use. Certain additional services may be offered or promoted by and its affiliates within the Service, but are outside the scope of these Terms of Use and will require a separate agreement with the appropriate entity.
  7. You may be permitted to register or otherwise create a user account, user name or password (your “Registration”) that allow you to access or receive certain Content and/or to participate or utilize certain features of the Service, including features in which you interact with us or other users. You represent and warrant that the information provided in your Registration is complete and accurate to the best of your knowledge, and you will inform us of any changes to your Registration information. You are responsible for the use of any password you create as part of your Registration and for maintaining its confidentiality. You agree that we may use this password to identify you. We reserve the right to deny, restrict or terminate your access to any Content or feature reached via such Registration process for any reason, in our sole discretion.
  8. By submitting information to us as part of any Registration, you consent to the transfer of such information outside of your country. We reserve the right to access and disclose any information about you (including personal data given in your Registration) in order to comply with applicable laws, regulations, court orders or lawful governmental requests; to operate our systems properly; and to protect our rights and the safety or interests of others, at our sole discretion.
  9. The Service may have features which allow you to comment on, engage in discussions or otherwise upload, submit or post content, information, graphics, videos, images or links to the Service (collectively, “User Material”). User Material is subject to these Terms of Use and any additional terms that are referred to in the area of the Service where you upload, submit or post it. You hereby agree not to upload, submit or post any User Material that (a) is abusive, illegal, defamatory, indecent, obscene, offensive or threatening in any way; (b) encourages anyone to break the law; (c) violates anyone’s copyright, trademark or other proprietary right; (d) interferes with the privacy of another user; (d) contains a virus or any other harmful components; (e) contains false or misleading statements; or (f) gives rise to any liability or violates any applicable local, state, federal or international law or regulation. You represent that you have all the necessary legal rights to upload, submit or post your User Material and you hereby grant , and its affiliates and successors, a non-exclusive, transferable, worldwide, fully paid-up, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable right and license to use, distribute, publicly perform, display, reproduce, modify, translate, sublicense and create derivative works from your User Material in any and all media in any manner, in whole or in part, without any duty to notify or to compensate you. You further irrevocably waive any “moral rights” or other rights with respect to attribution of authorship or integrity of User Material that you may have under any applicable law or legal theory.
  10. We have no obligation to store and may remove or delete any User Material for any reason, at any time and without notice to you.
  11. We respond to notices of alleged infringement that comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
  12. We do not guarantee the accuracy of or endorse the views or opinions given by any third party content provider, advertiser, sponsor or other user. We may link to, reference, or promote websites, applications and/or services from third parties. You agree that we are not responsible for, and do not control such non- websites, applications or services. We run paid advertisements and sponsorships from third parties on the Service. Any dealings you have with any third party advertisers or sponsors are solely between you and such advertiser or sponsor.
  13. The Service and Content are provided for informational purposes only. You understand and agree that the Service does not recommend any security, financial product or instrument, nor does mention of a particular security on the Service constitute a recommendation for you to buy, sell, or hold that or any other security, financial product or investment. The Service does not provide tax, legal or investment advice or opinion regarding the suitability, value or profitability of any particular security, portfolio or investment strategy. Neither we nor our licensors shall be liable for any errors, inaccuracies or delays in the Service or any Content, or for any actions taken by you in reliance thereon. You expressly agree that your use of the Service and the Content is at your sole risk.
  14. You agree that your access to and use of the service and any content, component or feature available through the service is on an “as is” and “as available” basis. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, we expressly disclaim any representation or warranties, express or implied, including without limitation any representations or warranties of performance, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, completeness, reliability and non-infringement. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim all responsibility for any loss, injury claim, liability, or damage of any kind resulting from or related to access, use or the unavailability of the service (or any part thereof).
  15. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, , its parent company, its subsidiaries, its affiliates and their respective shareholders, directors, officers, employees, agents, advertisers, content providers and licensors will not be liable (jointly or severally) to you for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, incidental, punitive or exemplary damages, including without limitation, lost profits, lost savings and lost revenues, whether in negligence, tort, contract or any other theory of liability, even if parties have been advised of the possibility or could have foreseen any such damages.
  16. These Terms of Use contains the entire agreement between us regarding your use of the Service and supersedes all previous agreements. Should any provision of the Terms of Use be held to be void, invalid, unenforceable or illegal by a court, the validity and enforceability of the other provisions will not be affected thereby. Failure to enforce any provision of the Terms of Use will not constitute or be construed as a waiver of such provision or the right to enforce it.