Israel 'schedules expulsion of Palestinian family from Sheikh Jarrah in March'

The Salem family includes three brothers with their families, including seven children, and their 74-year-old mother. The family says their grandparents arrived in 1948 after being expelled by Israel from their hometown, West of Jerusalem.
3 min read
West Bank
01 February, 2022
Some 28 Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah face expulsion orders [Anadolu/Getty]

Israeli authorities have scheduled the expulsion of a Palestinian family from the  neighbourhood of East Jerusalem to take place between March and April, the family’s lawyer has confirmed.

Some 11 members of would be expelled from the property claimed by Israeli settlers, Majed Ghanaymeh, the family’s attorney, told .

The Salem family arrived in Sheikh Jarrah as refugees, after being expelled by Israel from their hometown of Qaluniyah, west of Jerusalem, in 1948. They received a ‘protected tenant’ contract from the .

Israeli settlers claim they have purchased the property from pre-1948 Jewish owners, but under international law, Israelis have little claim to the eastern parts of city captured by force in 1967 and annexed the following year.

A similar action by Israel in May 2021 led to the Sheikh Jarrah uprising and subsequent war in Gaza last year.

“In 1988, the Israeli court ordered the expulsion of the Salem family, based on a claim by that they had documents that prove their ownership of the property”, said Ghanaymeh.

“The court recently reopened the case, so we presented an objection to the expulsion order, which by Israeli law expires after 25 years...the court rejected the objection on Monday and confirmed the expulsion," he added.

“After Israel occupied Jerusalem in 1967 we continued to pay rent to the Israeli court”, Ibrahim Salem, a 38-yar-old family member, told , “we continued to pay rent after the expulsion order in 1988 too, which is why the court’s decision surprised us”, he added.

According to Salem, “The Israeli court is biased. It only aims at emptying Jerusalem from Palestinians to give our place to settlers”, he stressed, “even if we appeal, we don’t trust . We depend only on solidarity in Palestine and beyond”.

Israeli law allows Jews to claim the ownership of any property that had Jewish owners any time before 1948. Based on the same law, some 28 more Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah face expulsion orders.

The attempt to expel the families of Sheikh Jarrah sparked across the country last May.

“We are three brothers living with our families, including seven children and our 74-year-old mother, Fatima Salem, the head of the family”, explained Salem. “We were all born here and have nowhere else to go. If they do , we will continue to live in the street, right here”.