61 to 70 out of 278
Blog: Three friends in Lebanon decided it was time to ditch the American-inspired ways of online dating and create their own "culturally aware" app for an Arab audience.
First person: Mired in poverty and despair, Syrian refugees in Lebanon face a daily struggle for survival. Here one woman tells her story.
A group of youths decide to create small libraries in coffee shops across Nahr al-Bared refugee camp in north Lebanon.
With half of Jordanians looking to leave, a closer look at the seemingly stable kingdom reveals compounding political, social and economic issues under the surface that have made it difficult for many to imagine a future, writes Tareq Alnaimat.
Eleonor Monbiot highlights the disparity between the treatment that Ukrainian refugees have received, and refugees from across Africa, Asia and the MENA who have fled war and poverty only to face violent rejection from Western nations.
Revoking abortion as a constitutional right in the United States is a scary step for women, but to say it's a step toward the 'Sharia Supreme Court' is Islamophobic and inaccurate, writes Diana Al Ghoul
This is an excerpt from Mona's book, which is released today.
In My Mother's Footsteps: A Palestinian Refugee Returns Home, Mona interweaves the story of her mother's life and her own sabbatical year teaching conflict resolution in Ramallah.
In My Mother's Footsteps: A Palestinian Refugee Returns Home, Mona interweaves the story of her mother's life and her own sabbatical year teaching conflict resolution in Ramallah.
Opinion Editor, Katy Stone, explains why championing women's visibility is paramount to °®Âþµº's journalistic mission.
Millennials are in the front line of protests demanding the overhaul of the political establishment and economic reform in this small Mediterranean country
A 2-0 win against Saudi Arabia put Qatar to the top of the qualifying group.