1 to 10 out of 261
Book Club: Kurdistan+100 reimagines Kurdish state struggles through a prism of futurism, offering a space for freer Kurdish expressions and possibilities.
Book Club: Gayle Tzemach Lemmon's book is a riveting account of how an all-women Kurdish militia, aided by US Special Forces, racked up strategic victories against the Islamic State group.
Comment: YouGov's campaign has undermined the integrity of all polling groups, writes Tallha Abdulrazaq.
Comment: The Syrian opposition needs Turkey's support, and has had it, but it should not back Ankara's occupation of Afrin, writes Robin Yassin-Kassab.
Comment: Ex-President Masoud Barzani was the force driving a referendum that was doomed to fail - and ultimately ruined long-term chances for independence, writes Gareth Browne.
Comment: Haider al-Abadi must temper Baghdad’s response, without appearing weak, or Iraq will be left with divisions from which it may never recover, writes Gareth Browne.
Comment: Among the strangest realities uncovered by the referendum in Northern Iraq is the Palestinian denial of Kurdish hopes for independence and a state of their own, writes Roger Hercz.
Comment: Turkey's attempts to flush elected Kurds out of state institutions may have caused irreparable damage to the pro-Kuridsh HDP's projects for an inclusive Turkish state, writes Yvo Fitzherbert
Comment: Dr Radwan Ziadeh takes a look back at the timeline of events since 2011 in northern Syria, that shaped the alliances and battles taking place today.
Comment: An inconsistent British strategy in Iraq undermined any attempt at unification in Kurdistan, and their orientalist gaze saw the Kurds as ultimately incapable of claiming self-rule, writes Jean-Baptiste Begat