411 to 420 out of 520
Comment: For Bannon, 'radical Islam' emerges as a kind of 'default demon', and a Muslim way of life is presented as fundamentally irreconcilable with a Judeo-Christian one, writes Bassel Salloukh.
Comment: Of course some Gulf monarchies support Trump's ban, they stand side-by-side with him against the aspirations of the Arab Spring, writes Yousef Khalil.
Comment: Claims of a new age of Iranian hegemony are false - Tehran faces more challenges today than it has had for many years, says Marwan Kabalan.
Comment: The Palestinian Authority's refusal to support any of the revolts during the Arab Spring amounts to a betrayal of the Palestinian stand against oppression.
Comment: The region often falls victim to a conspiracy of bombings, some targeting individuals, some to spread fear. But standards of condemnation are different depending on who plants them.
Comment: A wide-ranging analysis of potential overseas Iranian assets shows Tehran's capabilities may not match its ambitions - yet, writes Naveed Ahmad.
Comment: The approach of Arab moderates to the threat of Islamist extremism is contradictory and damaging.
Comment: The outgoing president encouraged us to take responsibility for our own societal change, instead of looking to the US as if it were a global NGO, writes Bassel Salloukh.
Global inequality is rising and economic growth is slowing. Only elites and extremism thrive in the current disorder. But money buys influence and the social forces to push for change are weak.
Comment: In contributing to Donald Trump's victory, Putin is guaranteeing Moscow a like-minded American counterpart, writes Mona Alami