511 to 520 out of 1545
Comment: The Taliban is hijacking the narrative during what should be a routine Afghan democratic exercise to elect a president, writes Tanya Goudsouzian.
Comment: It's time for America to realise it is increasingly irrelevant on the global stage, writes Gordon Adams.
Comment: Assad may have finely tuned his propaganda machine, but history must remember him for what he is; a traitor of the Syrian people, writes Omar Sabbour.
Iran meets Yemen in their first game for the Asian Cup.
Victory against the Islamic State group has seen hundreds of families in Mosul still paying the price of crimes committed by their relatives. Photos by Alessio Romenzi.
Comment: Washington is playing a dangerous game by supporting Saudi Arabia's bellicose stances on key regional issues, writes Jonathon Fenton-Harvey.
Comment: With the GCC in tatters, individual member states are feeling anxious about the lack of a regional support system and an unpredictable US president, writes Courtney Freer.
Comment: Iraq's elections are shedding light on the the deep rift within the PMU, and the contested influence of Iran in the organisation's future, writes Mona Alami.
Interview: The author and journalist spoke to Andy Heintz about how Syria came to be the intractable conflict it now appears to be.
Marta Bellingreri visits Mosul, tracing the history of its once grand monuments that celebrated its vibrant multi-cultural history, which locals vow to restore after they were torn apart by IS.