
Syrian regime seizes hummus bowls made out of drug captagon

Syrian regime seizes hummus bowls made out of drug captagon
24 kilogrammes of the drug captagon - crushed and turned into hummus bowls - were seized by the Syrian regime.
2 min read
06 September, 2022
Captagon is a highly addictive amphetamine [source: Getty]

The announced on Tuesday they had seized 24 kilogrammes of captagon that had been crushed and reconstituted to look like

The amphetamine is produced in pill form but these smugglers had crushed it and used the resulting paste to "mould pottery-like dishes coated with a brown adhesive," the interior ministry said.

One man was arrested in in connection with the thwarted trafficking attempt, the statement said, without specifying where the shipment of fake hummus bowls was bound for.

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Captagon traffickers have in recent years found ever more imaginative places in which to conceal their drug, from fake oranges, to real hollowed-out pomegranates and pitted olives.

They have purposely manufactured various ornamental objects or construction equipment with cavities holding pills that can only be retrieved at the other end by smashing their handiwork.

By manufacturing objects with the amphetamine powder itself, the traffickers are taking a leaf out of the Latin American drug cartels' book.

Cocaine in its harder-to-detect liquid form in particular can be used to soak anything from plywood to T-shirts and retrieved once it reaches its destination.

Most of global originates in Syria, spurring a multi-billion-dollar industry that has made the drug the country's largest export by far.

is the largest market for captagon, a versatile drug popular among the partying elite but also used for weight loss and by students working several jobs.

According to an AFP tally, around 250 million captagon pills were seized worldwide in the first eight months of 2022.
