Despite Cairo-Doha reconciliation, Egyptian activist re-arrested after interview with Al-Jazeera
High-profile Egyptian activist Sherif El-Ruby has been this week and will be in custody for 15 days on charges of "being part of a terrorist group" and "disseminating false news", less than two weeks after he had been interviewed over the phone by Qatar-funded Al-Jazeera news broadcaster.
Surprisingly, Ruby's detention came only a few days after Egypt's president Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi conducted an official visit to the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, marking a between Cairo and Doha after a four-year feud.
On the same day, Egypt ordered the release of an held in pretrial detention as Sisi concluded his trip to Doha.
Ruby's detention also occurred less than four months after he was released as part of the work of the Presidential Pardon Committee that started earlier in May following around 2-year pre-trial detention for similar charges.
Ruby is the official spokesman of the 6 of April youth , which was once among the most influential political groups in Egypt, especially prior to and during the 25 January .
The group no longer has an impact on political life since Sisi took over the country in 2014.
After his release, Ruby posted a series of reflections on social media about his experience in detention and called for releasing all prisoners of conscience.
"The Egyptian media is boycotting Sisi today and won't talk about him as he's in a visit to the terrorist Qatar," Ruby tweeted sarcastically on 13 September.
الاعلام المصري عامل مقاطعه للسيسي ومش هيتكلمو عنه النهارده لانه في زياره لقطر الارهابيه تيييررريررريرم
— شريف الروبي (@Sherifroubi25)
"God gifted us with the right to live freely and decently, justice, and fairness. He bestowed on us the right of choice as to everything. But the regime in Egypt gave us two things: the right to be jailed and be dead," he tweeted the same day.
Ruby further expressed his ordeal of finding a job and being banned from travelling outside the country to see his brother who lives in Europe, currently being treated for a stroke.
الله وهبنا الحق في الحياه والحريه والعيش الكريم والعدل والعداله ووهبنا الحق في الاختيار في كل شي..
— شريف الروبي (@Sherifroubi25)
ولكن الاداره الحاكمه في مصر وهبت لنا امرين
الحق في السجن. والحق في الموت فقط
Ruby has been in and out of prison and into new cases processed by the authorities. The last time he was released was on 30 May amid efforts for a long-awaited between opposition figures, excluding the Muslim Brotherhood group which was legally designated a terrorist group since 2014, and the government, sponsored by Sisi. The dialogue is expected to kick off next month.
Meanwhile, Ruby's arrest set off an uproar among Egyptian activists.
"It's totally outrageous and unfair to detain Sherif El Ruby four months after his release….believe yourselves when you tell yourselves that you are organising a national dialogue. It will be a national dialogue at the national security [agency]," journalist and activist Rasha Azab, cynically, tweeted.
موضوع القبض على شريف الروبي بعد ٤ شهور من خروجه حاجة حقيرة وظالمة وزفت على دماغهم، هو كل أربعة شغالين لوحدهم ف البلد دي، طب صدقوا نفسكم لما تقولوا لنفسكم برضه انكو بتعملوا حوار وطني. ده هيبقي حوار وطني فى الأمن الوطني!!
— رشا عزب (@RashaPress)
"The presidential pardon committee said it would offer help for the released detainees after what Sherif El Ruby exposed [to Al-Jazeera] that he couldn't find a job….and that he was subjected to tightened security measures – statements that led to his detention shortly after his release based on this pardon. When will this [vicious] circle stop?" renowned political sociologist and writer Dr Ammar Ali Hassan wrote on Twitter.
لجنة العفو الرئاسي تقول إنها ستساعد السجناء المفرج عنهم، إثر ما كشفه شريف الروبي لـ "الجزيرة" من أنه لم يجد عملا بعد خروجه من السجن، وكان يتم التضييق عليه أمنيا.
— عمار علي حسن Ammar Ali Hassan (@ammaralihassan)
هذا التصريح أدى إلى اعتقال شريف مجددا بعد فترة وجيزة من الإفراج عنه وفق ذلك العفو.
متى تُغلق هذه الدائرة الجهنمية؟
Several dozen pre-trial detainees have been recently after the committee started working, including celebrated labour Haitham Mohammadien.
Egypt's human rights record is regularly condemned, with local and international groups saying there are currently 60,000 political prisoners behind bars over terrorism-related charges.