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Sayed Jalal Shajjan

Jalal Shajjan

Sayed Jalal Shajjan is a freelance journalist based in Kabul. He is covering post-conflict development and counter-terrorism operations

Analysis: Since seizing power a year ago the Taliban has implemented repressive measures reminiscent of its harsh rule in the 1990s, with the country beset by humanitarian and economic crises.

15 August, 2022

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has caused Afghan refugees fleeing the Taliban to fall down the pecking order of global protection. Unable to attain asylum, many now face deportation back to Afghanistan, where further repression awaits.

29 June, 2022

Analysis: The Taliban promised stability after US forces left Afghanistan, but a deadly insurgency by the Islamic State-Khorasan presents a serious challenge to their rule.

15 November, 2021

Analysis: Two decades of fighting and exile have seen the Taliban adapt both politically and diplomatically, but governance will be the insurgent group's real test.

26 August, 2021

In-depth: Once used as a slogan of resistance to Soviet occupation, Afghans are reclaiming ‘Allahu Akbar’ as a rallying cry against the Taliban and in support of security forces and volunteer militias.

10 August, 2021

Analysis: The future of the Afghan government looks bleak after the US military withdrawal, with the Taliban sensing victory.

19 April, 2021

As Ghani secures a second term as president and as a date is set for a US-Taliban deal, could this be the end to four decades of bloodshed in Afghanistan?

26 February, 2020