


Pro-Palestinian activists protest in front of the Capitol
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In-depth: Pro-Palestine advocates face a difficult balancing act in trying to change the US political system: how to be both principled and relevant.

Madinah Wilson-Anton at a cafe in her home district in Newark, Delaware. [Brooke Anderson/°®Âþµº]
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AIPAC- Getty
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Fatima Iqbal-Zubair is trying to unseat an incumbent Democrat with grassroots support. [Photo courtesy of Fatima Iqbal-Zubair]
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andy levin
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Rashida Tlaib
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Voting in Ohio - Getty
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Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin claps as he arrives at a campaign rally on October 31, 2021 in Abingdon, Virginia
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Hebron [Anadolu]
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