
Azmi Bishara

Azmi Bishara

Palestinian academic Azmi Bishara
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Azmi Bishara says that the relationship between Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu is unraveling over Israel's rejection of a ceasefire deal.

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28 July, 2024
Azmi Bishara ARABY TV
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Palestinian academic Azmi Bishara
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 2 Azmi Bishara Interview Main Header image
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Palestinian academic Azmi Bishara
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Azmi Bishara (pictured) speaks at a seminar commemorating the sixth anniversary of the Jasmine Revolution in Tunis [Getty Images]
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Azmi Bishara ARABY TV
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Azmi Bishara ARABY TV
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Azmi Bishara ARABY TV
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Azmi Bishara ARABY TV
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Azmi Bishara ARABY TV
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Azmi Bishara Interview Main Header image
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Azmi Bishara - AFP
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Palestinian academic Azmi Bishara
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Azmi Bishara ARABY TV
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Azmi Bishara
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