391 to 400 out of 1844
The Nakba is being commemorated on Wednesday as Israeli attack across the Gaza Strip force new waves of Palestinian mass displacement.
Israel has denied that it was aware of the location of the UN vehicle and said the 'incident is under review'.
Nakba, or catastrophe, signifies the forced displacement and ethnic cleansing of thousands of Palestinians from their towns and villages, to make way for Jews
Gaza has become a taboo subject in the West, with supporters of Palestine either ghosted or forced to lose friends over their stance, writes Layla Maghribi.
Was another Palestine possible in 1946, two years before the Nakba? The Anglo-American Committee was a missed chance which resonates today, writes Lori Allen.
Canary Mission publicly blacklists supporters of Palestinian rights or critics of Israel and it has been targeting the recent wave of US college protests
To characterise campus protests as comparable to Nazi antisemitism, as Benjamin Netanyahu has done, is grotesque, writes Peter Singer.
In new interview, Dr. Azmi Bishara strikes a pessimistic note about Gaza ceasefire talks but praises US campus protests for Palestine as a historic achievement
Eurovision announced on Saturday that Joost Klein, representing the Netherlands, would not be taking part due to a complaint made by a female crew member.
Kamel Hawash, a British-Palestinian academic, is running against Labour MP Steve McCabe in a Birmingham constituency on a pro-Gaza platform.