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Thousands protested in the occupied West Bank and Gaza on Tuesday to mark the 70th anniversary of the mass displacement of Palestinians in 1948.
Comment: The international community faces a critical decision: Continue courting right-wing extremism and bigotry in Trump and Netanyahu's company, or take action to support human rights, writes Tamara Kharroub.
Comment: Until the Israeli government's occupation and dispossession policies change, the Nakba will continue, writes Elias Jahshan.
In-depth: 'We will one day return to our homes,' say elderly Palestinians after 70 years of displacement.
Data from the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics show Israel's ethnic cleansing to create a Jewish state has long continued since 1948.
Israel military officials have threatened an "exponential" crackdown on mass Palestinian protests against the US move of its embassy to Jerusalem on Monday.
In-depth: The bloody legacy of Israel's creation continues to be felt by refugee families, writes Jaclynn Ashly.
Comment: Nineteen years after the Nakba catastrophe, Israel carried out a second wave of expulsions of Palestinians in June 1967, now half a century ago, writes Munir Nuseibah.
Dreams about about knafeh (traditional Palestinian delicacy), laughter and Palestine beyond an occupation.
Comment: For many Palestinians, Israel's stubborn denial of the Nakba continues to pose an obstacle to lasting peace and historical reconciliation, writes Seraj Assi.