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Ghefreh has lived through two Nakbas, 1948 and today. Her grandson Emad Moussa tells her story of twinned displacement and how they've now blurred into one.
Regardless of what it may claim, Palestinians know that Israel's goal has always been mass murder, ethnic cleansing and forced expulsion just like in 1948. In Gaza, we are witnessing the prelude, writes Emad Moussa.
Archiving and re-imagining Palestine helps ensure reality is not lost to memory. Palestine Museum US's new exhibition 'From Palestine: Our Past, Our Future' uses a myriad of methods to remind us how Palestine was stolen and how it can be returned.
The teenager's murder at the hands of a Jewish Israeli settler is the result of the Israeli regime's incitement of violence against Palestinians. His story, and the story of his village of Sandala, is that of the continuing Nakba, writes Yara Hawari.
For 75 years, Israel has sought to erase Palestinian history to legitimise its foundational myths and justify ongoing dispossession and occupation. This denial is anti-Palestinian racism in action, writes Emad Moussa.
As Palestinians commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, Dana El Kurd looks back on the successes and challenges of the Palestine solidarity movement, and future opportunities to build a global liberatory project.
A two-part BBC documentary on the Nakba has bucked the trend of mainstream British media to give unprecedented coverage of the Palestinian plight. °®Âþµº sat down with Sarah Agha, the programme's co-host, to explain the show's significance.
The film Farha has migrated to the popular production company Netflix and with it the watchful gaze of millions of users across the world. With Israeli authorities whipped into a frenzy at the film's success, is this a major win for Palestinians?
Emad Moussa recounts the traumatic stories of his grandparents who were among the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians forced out of their homes by Zionist militias during the Nakba in 1948, to form the state of Israel.
Word-premiered in the Discovery section of this year’s Toronto International Film Festival, Darin J. Sallam’s debut Farha is a touching drama about a young girl who is forced to face an unimaginable series of tragedies.