241 to 250 out of 265
Comment: Despite the odd exceptional statement, the UK Conservative Party is unlikely to waver from its unconditional support for Israel anytime soon.
Comment: The nature of the US political system allows those with money - in this example, pro-Zionists - to wield undue influence over policy.
Comment: Despite US assurances that it is committed to democracy and human rights in the region, its relationship with Sisi tells a different story.
Comment: Dreams of political hegemony under Zaydi leadership, revived by the Houthis, have collided with regional geopolitics.
Comment: Obama's personal grudge match with Netanyahu is a distraction - the US-Israel relationship is as tight as it ever was, says Jonathan Cook
Comment: Labour leader Ed Miliband has been critical of Israel but don't expect a change in UK policy if he becomes the next prime minister, says Tom Charles.
Comment: International criticism of Israel’s summer offensive will come to nothing if the US continues to protect its ally with its UN veto, says Vijay Prashad.
Comment: Netanyahu’s victory means the world has to embrace the reality of the one-state solution, and this might just be a game changer, writes Said Arikat.
Comment: Netanyahu is courting the right-wing in Israel in hope of winning the up-coming elections. Palestinians need to prepare for whatever comes next.
Comment: The Labour Friends of Israel’s new publication on Gaza makes not a single mention of international law. But Israel mustn't be allowed to talk away legal responsibilities in occupied territory.