231 to 240 out of 265
Comment: Israel sees the UN as hostile territory. How apt that it sends ambassadors committed to annexation, whose stock answer to criticism is the claim of 'anti-Semitism', says Vijay Prashad.
Comment: Who wins in Palestine's status quo? The first part of Samer Jaber's critique studies international organisations and NGOs.
Comment: The Green Line offered the fictive promise of two states. In reality, it sustains a racist regime and the judaisation of the West Bank, says Neve Gordon.
Comment: US politicians get asked if they would have invaded Iraq if they knew what they now know. Well, most knew in 2003 of the lies, says Said Arikat.
Comment: Israel's PM falsely claimed Jews faced a terrorist threat at Tunisia's El Ghriba festival, a statement that further damaged relations with a historic friend, says Conor Sheils.
Comment: While college life may be known as a bastion of liberalism, leftist thinking isn't always encouraged at the nation's seats of higher learning when it comes to Palestine.
Comment: "Middle East experts" featured on news channels often defend a pro-Israel agenda, argues Hilary Aked
Comment: The Ateret Cohanim organisation targets property that can be bought, or seized via the courts, to push Jewish superiority in the city, says Saleh al-Naami
Comment: Sentiments in the region are geared towards a partially justified, partially exaggerated, fear of the spread of Iranian influence. Dangerous conclusions have been reached, says Hamid Dabashi.
Comment: Following pressure from pro-Israel lobby groups, a university event that would address the illegality of Israel's actions was cancelled. Why?