141 to 150 out of 179
Comment: The question of who is responsible for these plots merits a nuanced look beyond official statements, writes Maysam Behravesh.
Comment: Leftist Jews in both the US and Israel are coming under harsh attack from Netanyahu's government, writes David Sheen.
Comment: Newly elected Tlaib, Ocasio-Cortez and Omar now have a unique chance to help broaden the debate in Congress, writes Mitchell Plitnick.
Comment: Teachers and researchers on both sides of the Atlantic are calling for ending unconditional support for Israel, and for the region to embark on the path to denuclearisation.
Comment: Israel's Jewish nation-state law discriminates against more than 20 percent of its 9 million citizens, writes CJ Werleman.
Comment: Nuclear agreement may require political compromise in the US. One can only hope this isn't at the expense of the Palestinians, says Daoud Kuttab.
Comment: The Irish senate's bill to bar Israeli goods produced in the occupied Palestinian territories sets an example to the rest of Europe, writes James J. Zogby.
Comment: Trump claims he wants to broker a peace deal, but the president-elect also does not see settlements are not an obstacle to peace, writes Tamara Kharroub.
Comment: People with a public history of fighting injustice will no longer be silenced by distorted, false and distracting claims of anti-Semitism, writes Vijay Prashad.
Comment: South Africa could be the force that drives Responsibility to Protect from paper into action on Gaza, writes John J Stremlau.