131 to 140 out of 1067
Comment: Once a voice of reason on WMDs in Iraq, Ritter has been taken in by conspiracy theories and propaganda to draw fundamentally flawed conclusions on Syria, writes Stanley Heller.
Comment: Given the sectarian divisions gripping Iraq today, it cannot truly be said that the country is engaging in democracy, writes Tallha Abdulrazaq.
Comment: Since, 9/11, the Iraq War and the Arab Spring, Washington has failed to reset its relations with the Middle East, writes Emile Nakhleh.
Comment: The US' disastrous 2003 intervention saw America squander its opportunity to contain Iranian influence in Iraq when it took control 15 years ago, writes Nazli Tarzi.
Comment: In a shameful performance at the UN, Nikki Haley cherry-picked her intelligence in a fashion eerily reminiscent of the 2002-2003 push for invading Iraq, writes Reza Marashi.
Comment: Women's rights activists in Iraq insist on the necessity of civil struggle, linking their fight for equality with that of the fight for a civil state, writes Zahra Ali.
Comment: Iraq remains at the mercy of sectarianism and violence, writes Bashdar Ismaeel.
Comment: Haider al-Abadi must temper Baghdad’s response, without appearing weak, or Iraq will be left with divisions from which it may never recover, writes Gareth Browne.
Comment: The recent rapprochement between Iraq and Saudi Arabia is the latest link in a chain of shifting alliances in the Middle East, writes Stasa Salacanin.
Comment: Among the strangest realities uncovered by the referendum in Northern Iraq is the Palestinian denial of Kurdish hopes for independence and a state of their own, writes Roger Hercz.