3341 to 3350 out of 3408
Palestinian leaders have called to suspend the PLO's recognition of Israel, although it is unclear whether the vote in binding.
A controversial draft law defining Israel as the 'national state of the Jewish people' has been passed by the Israeli cabinet. Critics say the potential basic law is racist and discriminates against non-Jews.
Palestinian officials on Thursday welcomed a French proposal to hold an international Middle East peace conference, while Israel's prime minister restated his opposition to the initiative.
Israel temporarily suspended three Palestinian lawmakers from parliament on Monday after they met with families of Palestinians killed by Israeli security forces.
Expert says that the inclusion of the Israeli-controlled Straits of Tiran in Saudi Arabia's ambitious $500bn plan suggests secret coordination.
Israel's parliament has voted to impose a minimum three-year prison sentence on protesters throwing stones, the Knesset website said on Monday.
Addressing the UN Human Rights Council on Wednesday, the Palestinian president called for an 'international protection regime' to be created to protect his people.
Israel and Jordan had agreed on steps, including round-the-clock video monitoring to end o the uprising in Jerusalem, US Secretary of State John Kerry announced Saturday.
Hugely influential former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has warned that a Kurdish state 'established on ethnic or religious grounds like Israel' would not be tolerated by Baghdad.
President Donald Trump will use his debut speech to the U.N. General Assembly next week to offer warmth to the United States’ allies and warnings to its adversaries.