South Sudan's UN envoy said parties haven't implemented a 'critical mass' of the needed steps for free and fair elections in the troubled African country.
South Sudan has been urged to prepare for elections in the country by the United Nations and United States, who have warned that they failing to meet key electoral benchmarks.
The UN Security Council overcame resistance from several countries on Thursday and extended an arms embargo and sanctions imposed in an effort to stem violence.
Martin Elia Lomuro, South Sudan's minister of cabinet affairs, said the decision was taken "to address the challenges that impede the implementation of the peace agreement".
Nearly nine million people will need aid this year in South Sudan, according to the UN, as the world's youngest country struggles with a food crisis and rising violence.
The executions were allegedly in response to a 22 July attack by the South Sudan People's Movement/Army on the Mayom county commissioner, the United Nations said.
South Sudan's National Security Services have made credible threats on some people's lives, causing them to flee the country, according to a UN commission.