Saudi prince arrested after sickening abuse video goes viral

Saudi prince arrested after sickening abuse video goes viral
Saudi Arabia has been rattled by a shocking video showing a member of the royalty family beating compatriots and threatening to kill one.
2 min read

20 Jul, 2017
The abuse videos have shocked many in the conservative kingdom

A Saudi prince caught on camera beating compatriots and threatening to shoot one dead has been arrested in Riyadh.

Prince Saud bin Abdulaziz bin Musaed bin Saud bin Abdulaziz was filmed being led away by police in handcuffs in a rare public arrest of a Saudi royal.

King Salman is said to have personally ordered his interrogation after the clips, which purport to show Bin Abdulaziz using his status to abuse others, were shared by thousands on social media.

The emergence of the clips have outraged many in the kingdom who say it is symptomatic of the privileged status granted to the royal family.


One video shows a man wearing Saudi national dress sitting in a chair and being repeatedly punched in the face.

Another clip shows a bloodied man in his vehicle being threatened with death if he parks near the royal's house again.

The man is verbally abused by the royal who insults his mother - a grave taboo in Saudi Arabia.

An edited video of the abuses was shared on social media by Saudi activist Ghanem al-Masarir.

The footage shows another Saudi national being led down a flight of stairs - in what appears to be the same house as the first video - clutching his head in pain.

Another person follows - allegedly the prince - pointing a rifle at the victim, while yet another clip shows a man running from the home after being beaten.

Other footage shows the royal displaying bottles of Johnny Walker whisky and wads of cash at his home.


Saudi royals are often accused of living outside the law and enjoying immense wealth, while other citizens suffer in poverty.

Members of the vast royal family are frequently attacked by conservatives for leading un-Islamic lifestyles and living in decadence.

King Salman and his son Prince Mohammed bin Salman have tried to appear tough on members of the 5,000-strong royal family who overstep their mark.

The king has sacked and arrested some government officials and royals for transgressing acceptable norms or abusing their power.

Last year, a Saudi prince was executed after being convinced for murder.

King Salman has also been accused of nepotism for the unprecendented fast-track promotion of his 31-year-old son to the position of crown prince.

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