
Ethiopia's change is a bold chance for gender reform in Pakistan

Comment: It is time that the Prime Minister of Pakistan and his party empower women to be a catalyst for their own change, writes Quratulain Fatima.
4 min read
05 Dec, 2018
'Empowered women empower women' writes Quratulain Fatima [Getty]
When Ethiopia recently appointed its first ever female president, a cabinet with more than 50 percent of women, including a female minister of defence, and a female head of justice, it was a clarion call for Pakistan's missed opportunity.

Ethiopia is not the only country to set such a bold example.

Rwanda has long emerged as a
by having the most women in parliament and recently announcing it would give more than .  

When Pakistan voted in a new Pakistan Tehreek Insaf (PTI) government in July this year, led by the Oxford-educated charismatic former cricketer Imran Khan under the slogan of "reform", many hoped that it signaled a time of change.

More than 50 percent of the population of Pakistan is female. However, the representation of women in the PTI cabinet is dismal. Out of , the PTI coalition government has appointed only four women as ministers - three at the federal level and one in Punjab.

Punjab is Pakistan's biggest and most progressive province, yet there is out of 23 ministers. In the North Western , which has been ruled by Mr Khan's party for the past five years, there is not a single woman in a 15 member Cabinet.

The government also could not find any woman representative competent enough to run any of the four provinces that make up the federation of Pakistan. Moreover, not a single woman was appointed to the (EAC) constituted to advise government on economic issues. Pakistan is the only country in South Asia that has , and has no plans on doing so in the near future.

The PTI coalition government has appointed only four women as ministers - three at the federal level and one in Punjab

Under the last government, PTI was the staunchest in its , refusing to enact the bill in the province it governed, KPK. All other provinces enacted the bill.

Pakistan ranks in the gender equality index of World Economic Forum. It has also been termed for women.

Yet, the recent elections saw unprecedented numbers of women voters and representation in previously conservative areas thanks to the Election Commission of Pakistan's
, which mandate that 10 percent of seats be given by all parties to women, combined with government efforts and civil society advocacy.

Ethiopia and Rwanda, both with conservative patriarchal cultures like Pakistan, have shown what reformist leaders with popular support can do to bring about changes in the status quo. Increased involvement of women in policy processes can lead to gender friendly policies and thus pave way for gender equality.

Even though gender equality has not been on his agenda, Mr Imran Khan can step up to the challenge and include women in his government. No reform process is complete without including half of the population in decision-making processes.

He can start with including at least 30 percent women in ministerial and policy-making positions.  suggests that more women in government leads to better governance and improved human development outcomes.

Women pass more legislation that benefits women and allocate more funds to women-centric projects. Simply said, empowered women empower women and that leads to better outcomes for the society as a whole.

Women in Pakistan have never been given opportunities to be part of any change process. It is true that man of the hardcore religious parties which Mr Imran Khan has partnered with push back against such steps - but it is possible with careful planning.

No reform process is complete without including half of the population in decision-making processes

It is also essential that the current government does not discontinue gender targeted initiatives of the previous government such as the ) and the .

These initiatives have been very successful, and he may set an example by continuing them as a matter of policy. It would do much for his status as a principled leader, a trait he emphasises strongly through his words.

Women's rights have long been put on the back burner in Pakistan. Yet, the impact shown in countries such as Rwanda and Ethiopia should motivate global change - and none more so than in Pakistan.

It is time that the Prime Minister of Pakistan and his party, who have come with an agenda of change, empower women to be catalyst of this change for women and men's lives. No reform that excludes women is sustainable in the long run.

Quratulain Fatima is the Project Lead of the Agency for Barani Areas Development, with a focus on gender inclusive development and conflict prevention.

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