
Young Syrian girl beaten to death by father in Lebanon

Young Syrian girl beaten to death by father in Lebanon
A six-year-old Syrian girl was beaten to death by her father in the Lebanese city of Tripoli, security forces say, as coronavirus makes life even harder for refugees.
2 min read
08 April, 2020
Security forces arrested the girl's father [Getty Archive Image]

A young Syrian girl died in Lebanon after she was reportedly beaten by her father, security forces said on Tuesday.

The girl aged around six was dead on arrival at a hospital in the in the early hours of Tuesday, the Internal Security Forces (ISF) reported.

"Immediately after news circulated of the girl's death due to being severely beaten by her father... ISF detained him at the hospital," they said in a statement.

"During the interrogation... with the father and his wife... it appeared that they were used to beating the girl," it said.

The coroner found traces of beating on the girl's body, the ISF said in a statement.

Lebanon last month to stem the spread of coronavirus, which has infected 548 people and killed 19 in the country, according to official figures.

The lockdown has compounded an already , where a major downturn means 45 percent of the population now live in poverty.

Syrians living in Lebanon after fleeing the nine-year conflict next door face, many depending on handouts from aid agencies.

On Sunday, a young Syrian man in Lebanon because he could no longer afford to pay rent.

In 2014, Lebanon's parliament passed a law to punish domestic violence, but rights advocates have demanded it be reformed to accelerate trials and increase sentences.

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