
Jordanian protesters threaten to commit 'mass suicide' over unemployment

Jordanian protesters threaten to commit 'mass suicide' over unemployment
Nine men have been protesting for over a month, calling on the government to find them jobs. They now say they will end their lives if their demands are not met.
2 min read
08 February, 2022
Mass protests against unemployment and austerity removed the Prime Minister in 2018, but unemployment continues to rise in Jordan [AFP via Getty]

±·¾±²Ô±ðÌý men protesting against Ìýhave threatened to commit suicide on Tuesday evening if their demands for jobs are not met by the government, local media .

For over one month, the nine demonstratorsÌýhaveÌýbeen staging a sit-in atÌýAs-Salam squareÌýin the city of Madaba, located roughly 30 km south of the capital Amman.Ìý

The men, who are all university graduates from the Madaba area,Ìýhave issued an ultimatum to the government .

"Waking up in the morning with no purpose and relying on my father for pocket money is painful,"ÌýIbrahim Tamimi, a mechanical engineer graduate, told the local monitor Ìýon 19ÌýJanuary.

The men had beenÌýarrested on 19 JanuaryÌýand detained for a few hours while walking from their city to the capital.

They had planned toÌýtake their sit-in toÌýAmman'sÌýFourth Circle - a historical gathering point for protests located next to the prime minister's office.

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Jordan's economy was hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic, contracting by 3 percent in 2020.

Unemployment rates reached a staggering 25 percentÌýin Jordan at the beginning of 2021, and 50 percentÌýamong youth.

The unemployment rate among women was significantly higher than among men, with about a third of the female labour force unemployed.

Anger over these sharply deteriorating economic conditionsÌýprompted aÌý in November.

The following helplines can be contacted if you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts:


