
UN monitoring team arrives in Yemen as fragile ceasefire holds

UN monitoring team arrives in Yemen as fragile ceasefire holds
A UN monitoring team is due to travel to Yemen's key battleground city of Hodeidah after arriving in Aden on Saturday.
1 min read
22 December, 2018
The UN team are due to travel to Hodeidah via Sanaa [AFP]

A UN team led by a Dutch officer has arrived in Yemen to monitor a cease-fire that went into force in the Red Sea port city of Hodeida, where the country's civil war rivals have fought for months.

The team, led by Maj. Gen. Patrick Cammaert, flew on Saturday into the southern city of Aden, the seat of the country's internationally recognised, but largely exiled, government.

Cammaert and his team are due to travel later to Sanaa, and then proceed by road to Hodeidah, where both sides have accused the other of breaching the truce.

The ceasefire in the Red Sea port city, which is a vital aid lifeline for millions at risk of starvation, is the centrepiece of a peace push that is seen as the best chance yet of ending four years of devastating conflict.

Elsewhere in Yemen, fighting over the past two days between forces loyal to the government and Houthi rebels west of the northern province of Marib has left at least 85 dead from both sides.

Agencies contributed to this report.
