
UK sanctions notorious Russian Wagner mercenary group, accused of war crimes in Syria, Libya

UK sanctions notorious Russian Wagner mercenary group, accused of war crimes in Syria, Libya
The UK has joined US and EU sanctions regimes in placing the notorious Russian mercenary organisation under the spotlight after it was allegedly charged with assassinating Volodymyr Zelensky.
2 min read
25 March, 2022
The Wagner group have been accused of multiple war crimes in Libya, including setting mines in civilian areas [Getty]

The has sanctioned the Russian  allegedly Ukrainian President y, and accused of war crimes in Libya and Syria.

The latest round of sanctions announced on Thursday has targeted 65 individuals, institutions and strategic industries that the UK sees as crucial to Russia's military efforts in Ukraine. 

These organisations included , which has been responsible for moving troops and military materials to aid the war effort, and Russian drone manufacturers Kronshtadt. 

UK Foreign Secretary said "these oligarchs, businesses and hired thugs are complicit in the murder of innocent civilians and it is right that they pay the price".

The group, which is believed to be run by an oligarch close to President Vladimir Putin, first emerged as a fighting force alongside pro-Russian separatists in Eastern Ukraine and went on to appear in several conflicts in the MENA region.

The Wagner Group has been active in for several years and was accused of war crimes while assisting warlord Khalifa Haftar’s efforts to seize Tripoli between 2019 and 2020. 

The group is also accused of war crimes in Syria, where Russia has been militarily involved in support of Bashar al-Assad.

Last year, the BBC in Russia asked an ex-fighter to describe the role and functions of the Wagner group. He replied: "It is a structure, aimed at promoting the interests of the state beyond our country's borders."

The group is believed to have around 6,000 serving members but is not formally registered in Russia or any other country - operating without any oversight and at arm's length from the Kremlin, alongside formal Russian military operations. 

Most recently, Western diplomats accused the Wagner group of "" in Sudan connected to gold mining and disinformation efforts. The group has previously been sanctioned by both the US and the EU. 
