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UK Palestine activists storm HQ of Israeli arms firm Elbit

UK pro-Palestine activists storm regional HQ of Israeli arms firm Elbit to ‘commemorate Nakba Day’
2 min read
16 May, 2022
UK pro-Palestine activists stormed a regional headquarters of Elbit Systems on Nakba Day. Nine people were arrested and are still in police custody.
Palestine Action have targeted a number of Elbit sites across the UK [source: Getty]

Pro-Palestinian activists in the UK said they "occupied and dismantled" the site of an Israeli arms firm,on Sunday to "commemorate

Palestine Action, which describes itself as a "direct-action network", stormed the Bristol headquarters of  according to videos shared on social media. 

Nine people were arrested following the incident, and all are still in police custody at the time of writing. 

Avon and Somerset Police told : "Intruders had forced entry to the property and barricaded themselves inside. There is damage to the building, including graffiti and smashed windows.

"By 8pm officers arrested six people on suspicion of aggravated burglary. A further three people were arrested outside the building on suspicion of criminal damage."

Palestine Action said in a statement sent to : “We aim to permanently disrupt the British-weapons trade by halting Elbit’s production of weapons on British shores. 

"Our mission to #ShutElbitDown will continue. We intend to target every Elbit location and every complicit company across Britain," they said.  

Palestine Action has targeted a number of Elbit sites, including scaling the roof of factories in Chesire and to stop their operations. 

Sunday's demonstration was organised to mark the , when hundreds of thousands of people were expelled from their homes during the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. 

Elbit Systems manufactures military components for Israeli forces, who are engaged in across the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem.   

Their UK subsidiary employs 500 people and operates at over eight sites. 

Elbit Systems has previously told : “[We are] well established in the UK, and will continue to provide cutting-edge solutions, manufactured in the UK, to meet the needs of British Armed Forces.”