
No immunity for Saudi diplomat accused of slavery, UK court rules

No immunity for Saudi diplomat accused of slavery, UK court rules
A UK court has ruled a former Saudi diplomat can be tried on allegations of trafficking and slavery of a domestic worker as he no longer had full diplomatic immunity.
2 min read
19 October, 2017
The Supreme Court ruling could pave the way for more victims to come forward [Getty]
A British court has ruled in favour of a Filipina domestic worker who claimed she was trafficked and treated like a slave by a Saudi diplomat - a landmark ruling which could pave the way for other victims to seek justice.

Cherrylyn Reyes went to an employment tribunal in 2011, claiming her former employers, Jarallah al-Malki and his wife, had subjected her to racial abuse, taken her passport, and paid less than the minimum wage.

The tribunal and the Court of Appeal refused to hear her claims because her employers had diplomatic immunity in Britain, which meant they could not be tried.

Yet Britain's Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled that the employment tribunal should hear Reyes' allegations of abuse as Malki no longer had full diplomatic immunity after finishing his posting and leaving Britain in 2014.

"I know there are lots of other domestic workers who have suffered like me," Reyes said in a statement. "I am delighted that they will be able to use this case to get redress."

The allegations will be examined now the Supreme Court has ruled whether the couple could claim immunity.

Kalayaan, a charity campaigning to improve migrant domestic workers' rights, said it was the court's first ruling involving a domestic worker.

"(This) represents a significant inroad into chipping away at the veil of immunity that has so far shielded diplomats who have trafficked their domestic workers," said Zubier Yazdani, a solicitor who represented Kalayaan and Reyes in the court case.

Former diplomats are granted limited residual immunity, yet the Supreme Court said this did not apply to Malki as his employment of Reyes fell outside his "official functions".

At least 17,000 domestic workers are brought to Britain each year, with many of them potentially trafficked and exploited, charities say.

Escape is difficult since Britain imposed visa rules in 2012 that tie them to their employer - in an attempt to limit immigration - critics say.

"This is a landmark decision from the Supreme Court, which has left the doors open for other such cases to follow," Avril Sharp of Kalayaan told the Thomson Reuters Foundation by phone.

"Diplomatic immunity should not act as a bar to enforcing rights and is at odds with the UK's stated aims of combating and preventing modern slavery."
