
Turkey’s pro-Kurdish party vows to continue protests after MPs barred from parliament

Turkey’s pro-Kurdish party vows to continue protests after MPs barred from parliament
Turkey’s pro-Kurdish party, the HDP, has vowed to continue protests after its ‘march for democracy’ rallies, called in response to the barring of its MPs from parliament, ended.
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The pro-Kurdish HDP party has been holding protest rallies since Monday [Getty]

Turkey's pro-Kurdish party vowed further protests on Saturday during a rally in Ankara on the last day of its "march for democracy" under tight security.

The with two rallies in the northwest and southeast of Turkey and was followed by demonstrations in Istanbul and other cities during the week.

It was organised by the after two of its MPs and a deputy from the secular Republican People's Party (CHP) were on June 4.

In Ankara, dozens of people gathered in a park wearing vests saying "all together" near the parliament for a tense rally watched by riot police.

"Despite the obstacles put in our way, they didn't stop us. They tried to stop us by banning entries and exits for 16 cities on the way, riding rough shod over the constitution and law," HDP co-chair Mithat Sancar said.

On Monday, police had fired tear gas and plastic bullets at a group as the march began in Silivri, northwestern Turkey, while other officers prevented people from joining the demonstration.

"Yet we came together with our people on the streets and in neighbourhoods," HDP's other co-chair Pervin Buldan noted.

"Our fight for democracy, freedom, equality, peace and justice will continue without interruption and with greater determination," Sancar added.

Buldan said the had party prepared a three-month "Fight For Democracy Programme" of action between June 1 and September 1, but did not provide details.

The government accuses the HDP of being a political front for the outlawed , which has waged an insurgency against the Turkish state since 1984.

The HDP denies the accusations and insists they are targeted because of their opposition to .

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