
Regime soldiers killed in rare coalition airstrike on northeastern Syria

Regime soldiers killed in rare coalition airstrike on northeastern Syria
Two Syrian regime soldiers were killed in a coalition airstrike on their checkpoint in Qamishli in northeastern Syria, after they refused to allow a coalition patrol to pass through.
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The airstrike happened after a coalition patrol was turned back at a regime checkpoint [Getty]

Two soldiers were killed on Monday in a coalition air strike in after regime forces at a checkpoint turned back a coalition patrol, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported.

The strike, confirmed by regime news agency SANA, was carried out after the checkpoint refused passage to the coalition patrol in the northeastern Syrian city.

"One soldier was martyred and two others wounded... when a US aircraft targeted an army checkpoint," SANA reported, giving a lower death toll.

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It said the strike came "southeast of Qamishli after the checkpoint prevented a US occupation convoy from passing".

Monday's strike was the first deadly incident of its kind in six months, the Observatory said, although, where different groups and countries compete for control on the ground.

Syrian Kurdish and US coalition forces, as well as Assad regime and Russian troops, are all deployed in the area.

There was no immediate comment from the US-led coalition, which is allied with the Kurdish-dominated .

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