Syrian man who returned from Turkey in 2019 dies in regime detention

Syrian man who returned from Turkey in 2019 dies in regime detention
A young Syrian man who was arrested upon arrival to Syria from Turkey in 2019 was reported dead last month.
2 min read
13 September, 2021
Thousands have died in Syrian prisons since the start of the war [Getty]

A Syrian national who voluntarily returned to his country from has reportedly died in regime detention, according to a monitor.

The family of the young man were informed of his death but have not received his body, according to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

He was being held at the notorious near the Syrian capital Damascus.

The SOHR said the man, who was not identified, did not participate in any anti-regime activities and was only 20 years old.

He had travelled to Turkey during the war before returning to Syria in 2019 via the Kassab border crossing, where he was arrested upon arrival.

Tens of thousands of Syrians have died in regime detention since the 2011 uprising, including hundreds of , human rights groups say.

Around 30,000 have been killed at Sednaya Prison, according to the SOHR.

Several international organisations have recently to areas under regime control, adding that pro-regime propaganda urging refugees to return was not to be trusted.

Other Syrians have also been reportedly detained or killed in regime detention after returning back to the country.

It comes as countries such as Denmark and Lebanon look to return some refugees back to Syria.