
Suicide bomber on motorcycle kills 9 soldiers in northwest Pakistan - army

Suicide bomber on motorcycle kills 9 soldiers in northwest Pakistan - army
Nine soldiers were killed in North in northwest Pakistan in a suicide explosion.
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The northwest of Pakistan has seen a rise in attacks over the last year.[SAJJAD HUSSAIN/AFP via Getty Images]

Nine soldiers were killed when a suicide bomber on a motorcycle set off his explosives next to a convoy in northwestern Pakistan on Thursday, the military said.

Another five soldiers were wounded in the attack in Bannu district, the military's public relations wing said in a statement.

Pakistan's restive northwest, which borders Afghanistan, has seen a rise in attacks over the last year since talks between Islamist militants and the government broke down.

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The military said security forces had cordoned off the area. No group immediately claimed responsibility for the attack.

Another suicide bombing at a political gathering in the northwest last month killed more than 60 people. That attack was claimed by the Islamic State militant group.

