
Suicide attack on Kurdish wedding in Syria kills 22

Suicide attack on Kurdish wedding in Syria kills 22
At least 22 people were killed Monday in an attack targeting a wedding party in the northeastern Syrian province of Hassakeh, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and medics said.
2 min read
04 October, 2016
Scores of wedding guests were killed an injured in the attack [AFP]

A suicide bomber killed at least 22 people Monday in an attack targeting a party in the northeastern Syrian province of Hassakeh, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and medics said.

"A suicide bomber blew himself up inside a hall in Tall Tawil village during the wedding of a member of the Syrian Democratic Forces, killing at least 22 civilians," Observatory chief Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP.

The SDF is an Arab-Kurdish coalition battling the Islamic State (IS) group in northern Syria.

A witness named Ahmad, who was wounded in the head in the blast, described the moment the bomber struck.

"As the bride and groom were exchanging their vows I saw a man wearing a thick black jacket pass beside me," he said.

"I thought he looked strange and a few seconds later there was an enormous explosion.

"People had fallen on the ground and I saw bodies torn to bits."

The Observatory and local Kurdish officials initially said the groom was among the dead, but one of his relatives told AFP that both bride and groom were safe and well.

A hospital source in Hassakeh city said there were "more than 20 dead and dozens wounded".

A source in the Asayesh security forces in the self-administered Kurdish territories also said a suicide bomber had blown himself up in the wedding hall a few kilometres (miles) north of Hassakeh.

IS said in a statement that one of its fighters had fired on a "large gathering" of Kurdish fighters near Hassakeh city before blowing himself up. The claim, which did not mention a wedding, said 40 people had been killed.

The Islamic State group has often targeted the Kurdish-controlled city.
