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Sheffield Hallam Uni won't investigate Palestinian academic

Sheffield Hallam University decides not to investigate Palestinian academic
3 min read
04 February, 2022
Shahd Abusalama, a Palestinian PhD cinema candidate, said: 'We're hoping with this fightback… that this will set a precedent and it will protect Palestinians and advocates of Palestine.'
Shahd Abusalama is a Palestinian PhD cinema candidate at Sheffield Hallam University [Robert Carter]

A  at Britain's said the institution had on Thursday decided not to launch an investigation into her.

, a 30-year-old PhD cinema candidate from Gaza, had previously been suspended from teaching following a complaint but was reinstated last week.

Her case prompted accusations of pro-Israel discrimination and renewed debate over the controversial (IHRA) working definition of anti-Semitism, which has faced staunch opposition from those who say it has been used to stifle criticism of Israel.

"We're hoping with this fightback… that this will set a precedent and it will protect Palestinians and advocates of Palestine from such malicious allegations of anti-Semitism and it will also bring the IHRA [definition] to serious scrutiny," Abusalama told °®Âþµº on Friday.

"There were people in the students' unions… on [a]… UCU [University and College Union] level, street level – Palestine to South Africa to Algeria to Norway to [the] UK to the US. It's been amazing.

"And it's just this pressure that shows that we can actually win for Palestine and stop the bullies."

Announcing Thursday's news, Abusalama : "I have been wholly exonerated of the false charges of antisemitism, brought under the unfit-for-purpose IHRA definition."

She added that she "will also be offered a more secure contract", making her an employee of Sheffield Hallam University.

"That wouldn't happen without your support," the academic said. "THANK YOU. Let's keep this going on until we see a liberated Palestine."

Social media users received Abusalama's update with jubilation.

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign : "Congratulations to [Shahd Abusalama] for her sumud ['steadfastness' in Arabic] and all who contacted [Sheffield Hallam University] calling on them to drop the investigation.

"It should never have been initiated."

The European Legal Support Center (ELSC), which assisted Abusalama, : "This is symbolic of the impact that the solidarity movement with Palestine is having.

"Our power lies within collective action for Palestinian rights advocates."

Prominent journalist Aaron Bastani also responded, : "Good to see a fair and just outcome. Well done and solidarity."

A Sheffield Hallam University spokesperson told media: "After some specific concerns were raised in relation to an individual’s proposed appointment as an Associate Lecturer, we had a duty to fully consider the matters brought to our attention. An appointment has now been made following the conclusion of a robust HR process.   

"As a university we uphold the principles of free speech and academic freedom.  

"We are proud that our staff and students come from a diverse range of backgrounds, with a wide range of views and beliefs. We do not tolerate discrimination or hate speech, and are committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive culture for all our students and staff."

The university did not address a question about whether Abusalama's case was considered under the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism.

It  that it "has adopted" the document, adding that "the adoption of this definition does not seek to limit legitimate criticism and debate on issues relating to Israel and the Middle-East."

While Abusalama said Sheffield Hallam University decided on Thursday not to launch an investigation into her, the ELSC  the university "dropped the investigation".

°®Âþµº has asked Sheffield Hallam University to clarify.