
Second aid convoy enters Egyptian side of Rafah crossing en route to Gaza

Second aid convoy enters Egyptian side of Rafah crossing en route to Gaza
A second convoy of aid trucks entered the Egyptian side of the Rafah border crossing on Sunday, heading towards the Gaza Strip, according to Egyptian security and humanitarian sources at Rafah.
1 min read
Second convoy of aid trucks cross the Rafah border from Egypt [Getty]

A second convoy of aid trucks entered the Egyptian side of the Rafah border crossing on Sunday, heading towards the Gaza Strip, according to Egyptian security and humanitarian sources at Rafah.

A total of around 19 trucks carrying medical and food supplies had been inspected by UNRWA, the UN's Palestinian refugee agency, the sources said.

The first convoy of 20 trucks of badly needed supplies entered Gaza on Saturday.

Israel imposed a total blockade and launched air strikes on Gaza in response to a deadly attack on Israeli soil by Hamas on Oct. 7. The Rafah crossing had been out of operation since shortly afterwards, and bombardments on the Gaza side had damaged roads and buildings.

U.N. officials say a higher continuous pace of at least 100 trucks a day would be required in Gaza to cover urgent needs. Before the outbreak of the most recent conflict, several hundred trucks had been arriving in the enclave daily, U.N. humanitarian chief Martin Griffiths told Reuters.

