
Saudi Patriot missile intercepts Yemeni scud

Saudi Patriot missile intercepts Yemeni scud
A Yemeni scud missile fired at a Saudi city hosting a major airbase was intercepted by Saudi Arabia's Patriot air defence system on Monday.
1 min read
08 February, 2016
Khamis Mushait military airbase in Saudi Arabia [AFP]
Saudi Arabian air defences intercepted a scud missile fired at Khamis Mushait city where a major airbase is located, the coalition fighting in Yemen said on Monday.

The interception occurred "this morning at about three o'clock," Brigadier General Ahmed al-Assiri, spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition, told AFP.

"They are still targeting the cities," he said.

Roughly 100 kilometres (60 miles) from the Yemeni border, the King Khalid Air Base, near the city of Khamis Mushait, is at the forefront of Saudi-led air operations against Yemeni Houthi rebels and their allies, loyalists of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh in Yemen.

The Saudis have deployed Patriot missile batteries designed to counter tactical ballistic missiles, which have been fired occasionally since March when the Saudi-led coalition began air strikes in support of the Yemeni government after Iran-backed Houthis seized much of Yemen.

Rocket fire from Yemen and border skirmishes have killed about 90 civilians and soldiers in since the coalition intervention began.

The United Nations says more than 6,100 people in Yemen have been killed in the conflict since March, about half of them civilians.