
Saudi Arabia to jail people who 'intentionally' spread coronavirus

Saudi Arabia to jail people who 'intentionally' spread coronavirus
Expatriates found guilty of the crime will be deported and banned from entering Saudi Arabia again, the Public Prosecution said.
1 min read
25 April, 2021
The kingdom has seen a recent spike in Covid-19 infections [Getty]
authorities have threatened harsh fines and prison sentences of up to five years for anyone who intentionally spreads .

Individuals who "intentionally" spread will face up to five years in and a fine of as much as $266,000, the Public Prosuection said this week.

Expatriates who are found guilty of the crime will be deported and banned from entering Saudi Arabia again, the Public Prosecution said.

If the offender repeats the crime, the punishment will be doubled.
Authorities have not specified what consitutes "intentionally" spreading the virus.

The announcement of tough new penalties comes as the kingdom witnesses a sharp increase in coronavirus cases.

Health officials reported more than 1,000 new Covid-19 infections for the fifth day in a row on Saturday. More than 6,000 people have died from coronavirus in Saudi Arabia since the start of the pandemic.
Authorities have linked the rise in infections to increased gathering and a rise in non-compliance with social distancing measures during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

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