
Russia says chemical attack investigation in Syria's Douma 'unnecessary'

Russia says chemical attack investigation in Syria's Douma 'unnecessary'
A push by the United States, France and Britain at the United Nations to establish a new chemical weapons investigation in Syria is "untimely", Russia's UN ambassador said.
3 min read
18 April, 2018
The chemical attack in Douma has triggered a global outcry [Getty]
Russia's UN ambassador on Tuesday dismissed as "untimely and "unnecessary" a push by the United States, France and Britain at the United Nations to establish a new chemical weapons investigation in Syria and re-energise peace efforts.

Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia said a new inquiry to identify perpetrators of chemical attacks in Syria, an idea proposed as part of a draft Security Council resolution presented by the three allies, "no longer makes sense when Washington and its allies have already determined who is guilty.

International investigators of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) were on the ground in the Syrian town of Douma on Tuesday, where dozens were killed in a suspected chemical weapons attack on April 7.

The OPCW team can determine whether chemical agents were used as a weapon but it does not have a mandate to identify the perpetrators.

The Security Council in 2015 set up such a mechanism for attribution, but in November Russia killed off the panel, known as the Joint Investigative Mechanism (JIM), when it vetoed the renewal of its mandate.

The draft Security Council resolution was presented by the three allies on Saturday, just hours after carrying out military strikes on three targets they said were linked to Syria's chemical weapons program.

But Nebenzia dismissed the proposed resolution, suggesting it was "untimely and unnecessary," indicating Moscow was not ready to engage with the West on Syria after the military strikes.

"At first glance, (the draft is) untimely and unnecessary," he told reporters on Tuesday. "First they have to undo what they did a few days ago," Nebenzia added, referring to the military action.

The draft resolution would set up a new inquiry to identify perpetrators of chemical attacks in Syria, push for the full dismantling of Syria's chemical stockpiles, call for a ceasefire and demand that Syria engage in peace talks.

At first glance, (the draft is) untimely and unnecessary

But during a Security Council meeting called by Russia to discuss the situation in Raqqa, Nebenzia said the West's military action on Saturday had set back efforts to advance political talks.

"It's hard to imagine that after everything that has occurred, the Syrian authorities feel any enthusiasm about discussing the political solution in their country at the request of the Western troika," he said.

"If the goal is to force a Syrian president, under a hail of bombs, to sit at the table of negotiations... this goal is simply unrealistic," he added.

A first round of negotiations on the draft resolution was held on Monday, but diplomats said Russia did not engage in discussions and no date has been set for a vote on the measure.

'Going to take time'

Western diplomats said they were ready to allow time for negotiations to make every effort to bring Russia on board.

"The resolution is being discussed but we are not looking for quick progress on this," British Ambassador Karen Pierce told reporters.

"We need to chart a path back to the political process and I think we all know this is going to take time."  

Russia has used its veto 12 times at the Security Council to block action targeting its Syrian ally. 

The war in Syria entered its eighth year last month, with diplomacy deadlocked over the way forward to end the conflict that has killed more than 350,000 people and forced millions to flee. 

Agencies contributed to this report.
