
Raqqa without water after suspected coalition airstrike

Raqqa without water after suspected coalition airstrike
Water to the IS's Syrian bastion of Raqqa has been cut after suspected coalition raids on the city's main pipeline
2 min read
03 February, 2017

Water to the IS's Syrian bastion of Raqqa has been cut after suspected coalition raids on the city's main pipeline, a monitor and activists told AFP on Friday.

"After coalition air strikes, the main water line was ruptured and water was cut to all of Raqqa city," said Hamoud al-Mousa of the Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently activist collective.

His group said the overnight strikes hit several bridges in the north of Raqqa, including one known as the Old Bridge.

Mousa said a pipeline running along the Old Bridge into Raqqa -- the only way residents could get water -- had been destroyed.

"People were heading to the river at dawn today to get water," Mousa told AFP.

Raqqa, 90 kilometres (less than 60 miles) south of the Turkish border, is IS's de facto capital in Syria and remains home to more than 300,000 people.

The city and surrounding province have been battered by air strikes carried out by the US-led coalition fighting IS and by Russia, a key ally of Syria's government.

The coalition raids are backing an alliance of Arab and Kurdish fighters who launched a major offensive against Raqqa in November.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights confirmed water to Raqqa had been cut after "probable" coalition raids.

"Airstrikes on the city destroyed a huge water pipe. It's almost certain they were coalition raids," said Observatory head Rami Abdel Rahman.

The Observatory, which relies on a wide network of sources inside Syria for its information, says it determines whose planes carry out raids according to type, location, flight patterns and munitions used.
