
Qatar takes action to protect workers from extreme heat

Qatar takes action to protect workers from extreme heat
Qatar has taken a number of measures to address occupational heat stress, which helped cut the number of related injuries by 55 percent during 2022 to 351 cases.
2 min read
01 August, 2023
Qatar has taken action to protect workers from heat stress [DAVID GANNON/AFP/Getty-file photo]

Qatar's labour ministry has taken action to protect workers from heat stress caused by direct exposure to sunlight, as summer temperatures soar to the late 40s.

The ministry is concerned about the threat extreme summer heat can pose to workers' lives, °®Âþµº's Arabic sister site Al-Araby Al-Jadeed reported.

Companies and other entities that have staff working in open sites are required to stop work as the heat rages, with penalties imposed on violators.

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The labour ministry carried out more than 4,400 inspection tours of work sites in June, closing 269 violating locations.

Qatar has taken a number of measures to address occupational heat stress, which helped cut the number of related injuries by 55 percent during 2022 to 351 cases.

There were 1,372 cases in 2019 and there are expectations of further progress this summer.

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On labour legislation and strengthening the protection of workers from heat stress, legal adviser Yusuf Al-Tawil said the laws and regulations in force in Qatar, which aim to further safeguard workers and preserve their rights, are among the best in the region.

A ministerial decision issued in May 2021 prohibits working outside between 10:00 and 15:30 from 1 June to 15 September each year.

The decision also requires employers to develop a joint plan with workers to assess the risks of heat stress.

A copy of the assessment is kept in the workplace for labour inspectors to see.

Free drinking water is provided at an appropriate temperature throughout the work period.

The decision also provides for personal protective equipment and shaded resting places that are easily accessible to workers.
