
Activists rally outside Israeli prison calling for release of detained Palestinian women

Activists rally outside Israeli prison calling for release of detained Palestinian women
A group of activists held a protest in solidarity with Palestinian women imprisoned inside Damon Prison, demanding their release and right to be reunited with their families

2 min read
28 March, 2022
Palestinian activists have demanded female prisoners held in Damon prison without trial must be immediately returned to their families [Getty Images]

Activists protested outside the on Sunday in solidarity with and called for their release.

The '' group rallied outside the prison, near Haifa, calling for the immediate release of the women detainees.

There are 32 Palestinian women imprisoned in Damon Prison, ten of whom are mothers, and activists say they have been unable to reunite with their families.

There are nearly 4,5000 Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli prisons including women and children, according to the prisoners' rights groups.

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Around 500 Palestinian prisoners are being held in Israeli administrative detention without charge or trial.

It means that Palestinians can be detained for six months at a time and the orders can be extended indefinitely.

Israel says the procedure allows them to "prevent attacks" and gather evidence on suspects.

Israeli NGO B'Tselem has , saying it allows Israel to "hold thousands of Palestinians for lengthy periods of time [...]. This leaves the detainees helpless – facing unknown allegations with no way to disprove them, not knowing when they will be released, and without being charged, tried or convicted."

Many of those held are Palestinian children, detained on .
