
Palestinian woman killed by Israeli bullets

Palestinian woman killed by Israeli bullets
A 23-year-old Palestinian woman who was shot dead by Israeli troops in the West Bank on Monday, had allegedly left a note asking her family to 'forgive her'.
2 min read
09 November, 2015
Israeli viloations have caused widespread outrage across occupied Palestine [Getty]
A Palestinian woman, who was shot dead by Israeli forces on Monday morning near a checkpoint in the north of the occupied West Bank, has allegedly left a letter addressed to her parents, asking them to forgive her for leaving them.

The Israeli defence ministry said that 23-year-old, Rasha Ahmad Uweisseh, was shot after she refused to stop when she approached a checkpoint in the eastern part of her hometown, Qalqilia. The military added that she was carrying a knife and tried to stab several people near the Eliyahu Crossing.

Following the incident, the Israeli media published a letter they said they found in Rasha's bag.

In the letter, Rasha allegedly addresses her family saying sorry that she had to leave them:

The letter allegedly found in Rasha's bag

"My dear mother, I don't know what is happening, except that I have reached the end of my road. I am doing this with a clear head, to defend the homeland and the young men and women. I cannot stand what I am seeing, I know that I cannot take it anymore. My parents, dad, siblings, forgive me for everything, it will ease my departure. I love you. Particularly my fiancee. Forgive me, for I have to take this road. I am sorry for leaving you this way" the letter read.

The killing comes only days after a 72-year-old Palestinian woman was shot and killed by Israeli forces near the West Bank city of Hebron.

The military claims she allegedly attempted to run over soldiers after she "slowed down, then sped up and drove the car toward the soldiers". The "troops jumped out of the way and were not hurt", it added.

However, the victim's son said that his mother was on her way to her sister's home for lunch and stopped at a gas station to refuel her car, adding that Israeli forces were "aware that she was an elderly woman".

Since the beginning of October, 74 Palestinians have been killed, half of them alleged to be "attackers".