
Palestinian girl shot dead by Israeli soldiers

Palestinian girl shot dead by Israeli soldiers
A Palestinian girl has been shot dead by Israeli forces in the West Bank for allegedly attempting to a stab soldiers.
2 min read
02 June, 2016
The incident followed the killing of another Palestinian girl earlier this month [Anadolu]
A Palestinian girl was shot dead by Israeli forces near the West Bank city of Tulkarem on Thursday afternoon.

The Israeli military accused her of attempting to stab a soldier.

The Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed that an unidentified Palestinian girl was killed after Israeli occupation soldiers fired at her on a checkpoint.

"Israeli soldiers prevented ambulance crews from reaching the injured girl for treatment and left her to bleed to death," staff from the Palestinian Red Crescent told °®Âþµº.

Israel forces closed the checkpoint, declaring it a military zone, and Palestinian vehicles have been prevented from passing though, leading to a severe traffic crisis.

The incident at a military post around Anabta village in the occupied West Bank came a day ahead of an international meeting in Paris on reviving Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts.

"Moments ago an assailant, armed with a knife, attempted to stab a soldier at a military post near the village of Anabta," the army said in a statement.

"Forces responded to the immediate threat by shooting the attacker, resulting in her death."

Israeli forces have killed more than 200 Palestinians since a popular uprising against Israeli forces emerged in October.  Nine victims were girls under the age of eighteen.

Last week student Sawsan Mansour from Biddu village, north of Jerusalem, was killed by Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint. 