
Palestinian Authority calls for Arab support ahead of 'international peace conference'

Palestinian Authority calls for Arab support ahead of 'international peace conference'
The Palestinian Authority is calling for Arab dialogue ahead of its international conference to negotiate peace with Israel.
2 min read
07 December, 2020
Abbas’s meetings with Arab leaders follows the resumption of coordination with Israel [Getty]
The (PA) is calling for dialogue with Arab countries in order to garner support ahead of an international conference on peace negotiations with Israel, a report said on Monday.

PA President ' recent visits to and Egypt were aimed at initiating dialogue and had proved successful, The New Khaleej reported, citing PA Social Affairs Minister Ahmed Majdalani.

"In light of recent international developments after the US elections, there will be a new page in international relations, and it will have an impact on the region and the Palestinian-Israeli peace process," Majdalani said.

Majdalani made the comments after Israeli claimed that Abbas and Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi on Cairo-mediated meetings involving Israeli and Palestinian foreign ministers.

The talks would reportedly be held under the auspices of Egypt, Jordan, France and Germany.

As President Donald Trump's term in office nears its end, the PA is planning to acheive "Arab consensus" before it holds a conference when Joe Biden is made president in January.

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"We are seeking a tripartite Arab dialogue [Palestinian, Jordanian, Egyptian] or more, and even a dialogue within the framework of the Arab League, for the sake of political and diplomatic action with the new US administration regarding holding the international conference [on the peace process]," Majdalani said.

The conference - to be held in early 2021 - aims at negotiating a two-state solution for Palestinians, with East Jerusalem as its capital and end Israeli occupation of the West Bank.

Majdalani also refused the Abraham Accords - Arab-Israeli normalisation deals brokered by the US - and said the PA refuses to negotiate if Washington is the sole sponsor on the peace talks.

Abbas has called on Biden to revive ties between the Palestinians and Washington that collapsed during Trump's term, with Trump cutting funding to the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) and recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

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