
Morocco issues first permits for cannabis production

Morocco issues first permits for cannabis production
Farmers who organise into cooperatives in the northern mountain areas of Al Houceima, Taounat and Chefchaouen will be gradually allowed to grow cannabis to meet the needs of the legal market, according to a Moroccan state agency.
1 min read
06 October, 2022
Morocco has issued ten permits for the use of cannabis in industry and medicine for export [Getty]

A state agency has issued the first 10 permits for the use of in industry and medicine and for export, it said, the result of a law passed last year.

who organise into cooperatives in the northern mountain areas of Al Houceima, Taounat and Chefchaouen will be gradually allowed to grow cannabis to meet the needs of the legal market, the agency said.

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Cannabis is already widely cultivated in Morocco illegally and the new law, passed by the parliament last year, does not permit its use for recreation.

The law is intended to improve farmers' incomes and protect them from drug traffickers who control the cannabis trade and export it illegally to Europe.Ìý

