
Lebanese judge orders seizure of assets of Raja Salameh, central bank governor's brother

Lebanese judge orders seizure of assets of Raja Salameh, central bank governor's brother
An investigative judge has ordered the seizure of properties belonging to the central bank governor's brother, who was charged with illicit enrichment on March 25.
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Raja Salameh's older brother denies charges of illicit enrichment against him [Getty]

A investigative judge has ordered the of properties belonging to Raja Salameh, the central bank governor's brother, who was arrested last month and charged with complicity in illicit enrichment, a judicial source told Reuters.

A lawyer for Salameh, who was detained on March 17, has denied the charges against him.

Central bank chief Riad Salameh, Raja's older brother, was charged with illicit enrichment on March 25. He also denies the charges against him.

