
Lebanon former central bank governor Riad Salameh arrested, judicial source says

Lebanon former central bank governor Riad Salameh arrested, judicial source says
Riad Salameh was arrested and charged with financial crimes, including money laundering, embezzlement and illicit enrichment, which he denies.
2 min read
03 September, 2024
Riad Salemeh was charged over financial crimes including money-laundering, embezzlement and illicit enrichment [GETTY]

Lebanon's controversial former central bank governor, Riad Salameh, was detained Tuesday after being questioned in several corruption cases, according to three judicial officials.

Salameh served a 30-year term as central bank governor beginning in 1993.

Though he was widely celebrated for his role in Lebanon's economic recovery after a 15-year civil war, SalamehÌýleft his post last year under a cloud, with several European countries probing his alleged financial crimes. He was blamed by many in Lebanon for being responsible for theÌýcountry's financial crisis since late 2019.

Salameh has repeatedly deniedÌýallegations of corruption, embezzlement and illicit enrichment. He insists that his wealth comes from inherited properties, investments and his previous job as an investment banker at Merrill Lynch.

Salameh was questioned Tuesday by the top public prosecutor, Judge Jamal Hajjar, for over three hours, according to the three officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to discuss the case with the media.

Salameh was interrogated over several financial matters, including a case in which he allegedly hired a company called Optimum to manipulate financial statements and conceal Lebanon's haemorrhaging financial losses.

The officials said that Lebanon's Internal Security Forces transferred Salameh to a more secure prison but did not disclose further details. He is expected to remain in custody while he is interrogated.

Salameh has been among the officials most blamed for policies that led to theÌýcountry's economic crisis, which has decimated the value of the Lebanese pound by around 90% against the US dollar and sparked triple-digit inflation.

The US, the UK, and Canada have sanctioned SalamehÌýand his close associates, and France issued anÌýinternational arrest warrantÌýagainst him, though Lebanon does not extradite citizens.

France, Germany, and Luxembourg are also investigating Salameh and close associatesÌýover alleged illicit enrichment and the laundering of $330 million.

Salameh has criticised the European investigations and said they were part of a media and political campaign to make him a scapegoat.

Lebanon has not appointed a new central bank governor, but a vice governor, Wassim Mansouri, has been named acting governor. The crisis-hit country has also been without a president for almost two years and is run by a caretaker Cabinet with limited functions.
